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MINUTES: January 20, 2004

BUDGET & APPROPRIATIONS MEMBERS: Chair: Kaplowitz; Legislators: LaMotte, Mosiello, Oros, Rogowsky, Stewart-Cousins, Ryan

IN ATTENDANCE: CE’s office: B. Randolph, A. Neuman; Budget: A. Vietro; LWV: B. Strauss, F. MacEachren; BOL: B. Boland, S. Schecter, R. Indelicato, S. Vanderberg

With a quorum present, the Committee on Budget and Appropriations was called to order at 10:15 a.m.

On the motion of Legislator LaMotte, seconded by Legislator Mosiello the minutes for January 7, and 12, 2004 were approved 5-0 and the minutes from 10/15/03, 10/22/03, 10/27/03, 11/10/03, 11/12/03, 11/17/03, 11/19/03, 11/24/03, 11/25/03, 12/1/03, 12/4/03, 12/8/03 were received and filed 5-0.

Members were asked to submit names for suggested appointees as soon as possible as the Resolution to re-establish the Citizens Budget Advisory Committee will be taken up in the near future with the current existing members.

Sub-Committee on the Medical Center

Due to the seriousness and urgency of issues facing the Medical Center, members were invited to attend the sub-committee’s meetings; the invitation was extended to the entire Board.

Legislator Kaplowitz submitted articles related to pension costs, financial assets and long term care and how it affects Medicaid costs for members to review.

Defined Contribution Plans

Legislator Kaplowitz suggested the Committee begin to consider the up and coming trend of Defined Contribution Plans going forward.

Under DC plans, the contribution not the reward is defined.

If considered, the option of a DC plan would apply to new not existing employees. The creation of a new tier (Tier 5) for example, could allow for a new start. Benefits would follow a participant through their life and be passed onto heirs. Participants would be given a choice of investment options-from very aggressive to cautious; changes to this choice could be made regularly. Participation in the plan would be permanent.

A package of Court-ordered refunds which will be paid by the Commissioner of Finance. Payment is made from the General Fund Certiorari Proceedings Account and the appropriate District Certiorari Proceedings Accounts. Mr. Boland noted the actual current appropriation amount was $6,000,000 not $7,000,000 as noted on the status sheet.

On the motion of Legislator Stewart-Cousins, seconded by legislator LaMotte the item was received and filed 6-0. Legislator Ryan was out for vote.

Sub-committee on Capital Projects

The proposal of security access enhancements for the Department of Labs and Research is first on the agenda and members were asked to attend if possible. Meeting dates will be circulated via e-mail.

The sub-committe plans to be made more active in the County Planning Board process.

An article was referred to the Sub-committee on Mandates regarding long term care issues, the increased amount of care required for seniors and the different options available.

The next B&A staff meeting-Friday at 1 pm.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 am.

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